Signals and Systems

Course name Signals and Systems
unit type Basic unit
degree Bachelor of Engineering
predecessors Mathematics of Engineering
predecessor contents Understanding the mathematics of complex numbers, Fourier transform and Laplace transform
Reference Books [1] A. V. Oppenheim, A. S. Willsky, and S.H. Nawab, Signals and Systems. 2nd ed., Prentice- Hall, 1996.
[2] R. E. Ziemer, W. H. Tranter, and D. R. Fannin , Signals and Systems , Continuous and Discrete. 4th ed., Prentice - H all, 1998
[3] S. Haykin and B. Van Veen, Signals and Systems. 2nd ed., Wiley, 2003.
Course Goals Understanding the signals and analysis of linear and non - linear systems with time in the domains of continuous time and frequency.
List of topics

1.Introduction The concepts and tools of processing the signals and analysis of systems, definitions, properties, and systems analysis. General divisions

2. continuous time and discrete signals of time: mathematical representation, impact, step, frequency, and energy

3. Line and unchangeable Systems With time: acute pass, the concept of convolution, the properties of impact pass by differential and differential equations

4. Fourier series of AC signals: The significance of the calculations in representation of the LTI system, signals Continuous time, discrete time signals, Fourier series convergence, Fourier series properties

5. Continuous Fourier transform: Definition, convergence, properties, analysis of the systems differential with fixed coefficients.

6. Seprated Fourier transform: Definition, convergence, properties, analysis of the systems Differential amount with fixed coefficients

7. Sampling: theorem, ideal and ideal forms, spectral interference phenomena, regeneration.

.8. Laplace transform: Definition, convergence, Properties, Function and Continuous time

9.Translation z: Definition, convergence, properties, transformation function and Discrete time

10.typical applications

Software required Matlab
Proposed tasks 7 manual tasks
Proposed projects Three functions of a computer with MATLAB
Recommended Score Computer assignments and reports 40% Written tests60%
Other references